How do I hand in my documents?
Everything about the examination mode
Students attend 12 lectures from the current lecture list during the semester. The lectures must be attended in person, unless the organizers offer a live stream and monitor virtual attendance.
It is possible to attend several lectures within a single event (e.g. a conference) and submit a report for each lecture attended. Only the lectures on the list can be credited to the course; attendance is documented individually for each lecture.
A precise report of one page must be written for each lecture (font size 11 to 12, 1.15 to 1.5 line spacing, normal margins). Irrespective of the language of the presentation, reports may be written in either English or German.

The reports to be submitted must be divided into three parts with the following headings:
- Thematic classification (brief description of the thematic classification of the lecture in a larger context): To which subfield or subfields of musicology does the lecture belong? Does the lecture refer to other subjects or fields of research?
- Summary of content (a precise presentation of the content of the lecture in your own words): What did the lecturer talk about? What were the most important general or specific questions and theses?
- Reflection (short constructive evaluation and own reflections on the topic of the lecture): Evaluate the presentation of the content objectively and constructively. Which topics, questions or theses were or are interesting? Why? What prospects for further research arise from the content presented/presented?
The fulfillment of the above criteria is the basis for the evaluation. In addition, the reports must be written in a clearly legible, scientific style and linguistically flawless. A higher standard is expected in the MA than in the BA.
Please mark all 12 transcripts at the beginning with:
- course number, course title, BA or MA, semester
- your name and matriculation number
- date of the lecture, name(s) of the lecturer(s), title of the lecture
How do I submit the reports?
The reports are submitted electronically. Write an e-mail to Verena Sailer with the subject "Musikwissenschaft aktuell: Protokolle". Write the following in the e-mail text:
- the exact course for which you need a transcript: whether BA or MA, name and number of the course (for MA: whether 4.3, 4.4 or 5.3), year, winter/summer (NB: in the BA, this course can only be credited in the winter semester)
- your name and matriculation number; date
- a list of the 12 lectures attended (date, speaker, lecture title)
- the following text: "I hereby declare that I have written all attached reports alone and have not helped any other student(s) to write such reports."
Include the 12 pdf files in the attachment. Please use the following formats for the file names of the individual files:
Example: Schmidt_20180313_Cong_MA.pdf
This would be a transcript of a lecture given by Mr./Mrs. Schmidt on March 13, 2018. The author of the protocol is Cong and is enrolled in the MA.
Each of the files should be a maximum of 100KB in size.
When do I have to submit the protocols at the latest?
The submission deadline after the winter semester is February 15, after the summer semester July 15. We therefore recommend that you write all transcripts by the end of the respective semester if possible and hand them in early. For the same reason, you can only expect to receive a certificate at the end of the first month of the following semester.
Upon request, the course director, Prof. Saskia Jaszoltowski, will provide feedback on the transcripts.
What should I do if I have not attended 12 lectures in one semester?
All students have the opportunity to submit 12 presentations from two consecutive semesters. At the end of this period, all 12 protocols are submitted at the same time. Exceptions must be justified in advance and approved in writing. As a rule, the result of the examination will be credited for the course in the second of the two semesters. Please explain in writing at the time of submission,
- in which semesters you attended the lectures, and
- for which course (BA or MA; course number; in which semester) the achievement is to be credited.
Due to the expiry of the current curriculum, this exception is only possible in the winter semester 2024/25; in the summer semester, the course must be attended in one semester.